Legal Notices

Publisher information

This site and associated services are the property of :

Quatrépices, 59, rue Boissière- 75116 Paris

Phone : +33(0)1 43 06 10 10

Simplified limited company with capital of 25,000 euros

Business identification (SIRET) number: 479 472 565 00023

APE business identifier code 8559 A

Intercommunity VAT: FR51 479 472 565
Training body 11 75 39 476 75

Director of the publication:  Alexandre Dubarry

Mail :

The publisher undertakes to comply with all the laws concerning the set up and the activity of an Internet site.



2 rue Kellermann

BP 80157

59100 Roubaix

Site use, content and links

The utilization of this site is restricted to the user’s strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation of this site, in whole or in part, for other purposes in whatever format or medium, is forbidden without the express and prior authorization of Quatrépices.

The information and data contained on this site are information and data of a general nature and have no contractual value.

These general terms and conditions as well as the information and data contained in the site are subject to modification without notice.

Hypertext links made available on this site to other sites and more generally to any existing resources on the Internet cannot involve the liability of Quatre Épices.

A hypertext link toward the site can only be implemented on the condition of the express and prior authorization of Quatre Épices.

Personal data, information and liberties

You are herewith informed that the information you communicate, namely through the forms you may fill out on this site, enables us to respond to your requests and is uniquely for the use of Quatrépices, as it fulfills its responsibility for processing it for administrative and commercial management purposes.

You have, in compliance with the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978, modified relative to information technology, files and liberties, of a right to access, rectification, modification and deletion of data concerning you.

You may exercise your right to access, rectification, modification and deletion by contacting us by letter at the following address: Quatrépices, 59, rue Boissière 75116 Paris France

Intellectual property rights

Quatrépices herewith informs users of this site that most of the data and information appearing on it is protected by the legal dispositions regarding intellectual property rights. As such, Quatrépices informs namely users that any trademarks cited herein are trademarks registered by their respective owners and that the photographs appearing on the site are protected by copyright.

The information and data thus protected appearing on this site are the property of Quatrépices or of a third party having authorized Quatrépices to use them. Any representation, reproduction, utilization, adaptation or modification of all or a part that any use, even partial, of this information and these data is forbidden without the express and prior authorization of Quatrépices. The non-observance of this prohibition can lead to site user civil and penal liabilities and namely to the dispositions of article L335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code dealing with counterfeit and punishable by up to three years imprisonment and a fine of up to 300, 000 €.

Applicable law

The site and these general terms and conditions are subject to French law.

Limitated responsability

You use the site under your sole and entire responsibility. Quatre Épices cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, namely material loss, data or program loss, or financial loss resulting from the access to and use of the site by the user or the sites linked to him/her.